Japan is now open to travelers from all countries or regions.
However, participants must follow current public health guidance related to COVID, including requirements for international travelers to Japan.
Please check the latest guidance at the following web site.
https://www.japan.travel/en/practical-coronavirus-information/government-measures/The International Society of Rare Sugars and organization committee of Rare Sugar Congress 2023 (RSC2023) recommends the following four matters to all participants.
1) Face Masks recommended
2) Physical Distancing
3) Sanitizing Stations
4) Temperature Checks (RSC2023 places thermometers at entrances and exits)
The International Society of Rare Sugars and organization committee of Rare Sugar Congress 2023 (RSC2023) encourage the following four matters to all participants.
1) Frequent Cleaning and Disinfecting
2) Improved Indoor Ventilation
3) Reduced Visitor Capacity
4) Contactless Payments
IN ADDITION, masking is recommended during sessions and other indoor events.
For coffee breaks and lunch, outdoor space with seating will be available if weather permits, and poster exhibition space (ground floor) is free for use. When coffee breaks and meals must take place indoors, participants are encouraged to reasonably socially distance while eating or drinking.
Please refer to the following guidelines stipulated by the Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare. Due to conditions changing daily, make sure to check the latest updates announced by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare.
In the following site, related information in Kagawa Prefecture is summarized.
The information for immigration and current Japanese border measures are available on these links.
Information from the Immigration Service Agency of Japan
Coronavirus (COVID-19) Measures by the Government
COVID-19: Current Japanese Border Measures (Ministry of Foreign Affairs overseas safety)
COVID-19: Current Japanese Border Measures (Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare)
Please monitor these pages for updates.